The September meeting of the Lowestoft Evening Women's Institute, saw several recommendations for future events including the group social in October. Members were also made aware of protests relevant to WI concerns being carried out in Kent and London to which members were invited.

The September meeting of the Lowestoft Evening Women's Institute, saw several recommendations for future events including the group social in October. Members were also made aware of protests relevant to WI concerns being carried out in Kent and London to which members were invited. Several competitions were then advertised including cookery capers, an idea to involve the whole family in cooking a dish for which the children involved provide an illustration. Members were further reminded about the WI Resolution to help save the bee population by thinking about the items that are used which are pollinated by bees and the level of work needed to provide that pollination should these insects disappear.

The main speaker was Tanya Robertson, a representative of Style Direction: Health and Beauty. Mrs Robertson provided a series of suggestions for individual's styles and a healthy skin regimen. Her pleasant manner and friendly attitude, with her suggestions, gave members a chance to discuss colour analysis and how body shape can best be enhanced, thus saving money when shopping for clothes. Tanya shared a range of ideas regarding colour use and how discovering your personal colour type will allow further understanding of how to make the best of one's appearance. A scary fact is that women only wear around 25 per cent of their clothes due to a lack of understanding of these principles. The talk was helpful and entertaining giving members' inspiration to tackle their wardrobes.

The meeting concluded with members sharing their top beauty tips, which must remain top secret! The nest meeting will occur on Monday, at Hildesley Court, Pakefield, beginning at 7.15pm. Valerie Sutch is the speaker who will be exploring the history of gardening.