Remembrance Sunday was marked on the east coast with the return of an annual parade and service in Lowestoft.

Respects were paid at the service on Royal Plain on Sunday morning, November 13.

Led by soldiers of F (Sphinx) Parachute Battery Royal Horse Artillery, 7th Parachute Regiment Royal Horse Artillery, the parade set off from Claremont Pier shortly before 11am.

Lowestoft Journal:

A two-minute silence was observed, marked by the sound of gunfire from the 105mm (L118) Light Gun from F (Sphinx) Parachute Battery Royal Horse Artillery, 7th Parachute Regiment Royal Horse Artillery.

Cadets Smith and Welham from the Royal Air Force Air Cadets 469 (Lowestoft) Squadron called the order of wreath laying at the War Memorial.

Lowestoft Journal:

This year's service also commemorated the 40th anniversary of the Falklands.

The town's connection with the war was remembered earlier in the year with the unveiling of a memorial plaque at Belle Vue Park to commemorate the life and service of Private David Parr, who lost his life on the last day of the Falklands.

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