A pair of builders have been described as lifesavers for dragging a man from his blazing house after his electric heater set it on fire.

Perri George, 24, and Josh Eaton, 23, were busy working on a scaffold doing the plastering and rendering on a neighbouring property when the blaze broke out.

They heard a loud bang as the fire caused the windows in the house to smash.

They then saw the man dangling out of the window and calling for help, with the flames all around him.

While Mr Eaton called the fire brigade, Mr George went into the house.

“I kicked the house's front door in, ran upstairs, kicked his bedroom door off, and all I could see was daylight, a hand, and fire absolutely everywhere," Mr George said.

“I ran in there, put his arm over my head and dragged him out. 

“The fire services told us that if he was in there another 30 seconds longer he would have died.” 

The pair had been working on a house on Stradbroke Road, Lowestoft when the fire started at about 8.30am yesterday.

Mr George, of Carlton Colville, said: “The man was hanging out of the next-door window with flames literally above him going over his head, oozing out."

Mr Eaton, from Lowestoft, who owns his own company, Access Plastering, said: “I was up the scaffold and Perri was downstairs, so I shouted at him, 'Perri, next door is on fire', and I called the fire services.

“Flames were everywhere. We were just busy getting on with the rendering and plastering. It took us by surprise first thing in the morning.  

“I’m just so shocked to be honest, when Perri dragged the man out, his hair was all singed. I did think the worst. 

“But once he calmed down, he told us it was his electric heater which started the fire and was able to even walk to the ambulance.

“Once the services arrived and calmed things down a bit, we still managed to get the rendering done.” 

Lowestoft Journal: It has been said if it wasn't for the bravery of the two builders the man would have diedIt has been said if it wasn't for the bravery of the two builders the man would have died (Image: Bruno Brown)

Firefighters arrived on the scene once the man was safely out of his property and put out the fire.

Andy Jackson, the fire incident commander at the scene, said: "One man was rescued from the fire by workmen next door, who more or less saved his life."

Neighbours were evacuated as firefighters brought the blaze under control.

By then, it had damaged a neighbouring property, causing part of the ceiling to collapse.

Beverley O’Keeffe, who lives there, said Mr Eaton and Mr George had saved her house as well as her neighbour's life.

“There was a loud bang and part of my ceiling upstairs caved in next to my bedroom. 

“I could hear loud banging next door, but I just assumed it was the damage to my ceiling and house. 

“I looked out the window and there were two young lads helping my neighbour out of the house and shouting at me, ‘fire, fire, fire,’ and then ran to my door. 

“If it wasn’t for the two builders and their bravery, my house would be burnt down, and my neighbour would be dead.” 

Another neighbour, Tracey Vincent, who lives a few doors down said: "It was such a shock when a fireman knocked on my door and told me to get out of the house.

"There was smoke coming out of my guttering and I was just so confused.

"People said there was a massive bang or explosion but I just didn't hear it."

The man's black cat, Jack, remains missing, but neighbours hope it may turn up.

The victim was taken to the James Paget Hospital, in Gorleston, where he was treated for burns.

His injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.

READ MORE: Man taken to hospital after Pakefield house fire

An East of England Ambulance Service spokesperson said: “One patient, an adult man, was transported to the James Paget Hospital for treatment for minor burns.” 

Lowestoft Journal: Firefighters extinguishing the blazeFirefighters extinguishing the blaze (Image: Mick Howes)