Organisers of a Scoot-Safe day in a coastal town centre admitted they have been "compelled" to do something before a "serious accident" occurs.

Concerns over the way people are driving mobility scooters in Lowestoft town centre, and the speed they are travelling, have been raised.

And next Friday, March 10 a "Scootsafe Day" will be held in Lowestoft town centre from 10am to 4pm as it raises awareness of using mobility scooters safely.

Margaret Oldham MBE, chair of Lowestoft Shopmobility, chair of Disability Advice N.E.S and chair of Disabled Motoring UK, said: "At Lowestoft Shopmobility, we are very concerned as to how people drive their mobility scooters in the town centre - before long there will be a serious accident if people do not obey the rules."

Similar mobility scooter safety events in Lowestoft have been held in the town ever since the inaugural event in 2011, with flyers informing people of the rules being distributed next week.

Mrs Oldham said: "We have held three of these days over the years, but the last one was in 2016.

"But the situation around the town has now got so bad that we felt compelled to do something."

The event is being supported by Waveney MP Peter Aldous, Waveney Disability Forum, East Suffolk Communities Team, Disability Advice North East Suffolk, the police, Lowestoft Town Council, the Chamber of Commerce and Freedom Mobility.

Mrs Oldham said: "People should not drive a scooter under the influence of alcohol, drugs and even some medications.

"They should not drive in cycle lanes, but each time we go along the seafront it is evident that people do not know the rules.

"Scooters which go at 8mph to go on the road should limit their speed in the pedestrian areas.

"They should be going at 4mph.

"If someone hits a child going at 8mph, they would be seriously hurt."