A care home has been praised for making improvements as it received a good rating from a national watchdog.

The Dell care home in Oulton Broad, Lowestoft has been rated as 'good' across the board by inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Staff and residents at the care home on Cotmer Road are celebrating following an unannounced inspection in February.

The rating shows the transformation at the Wellbeing Care group-run care home following a 'requires improvement' rating in July 2021.

The improved rating comes as the care home continues to offer a high standard of care to its elderly residents.

At the time of inspection, 35 people were living at The Dell - which provides residential, dementia and respite care - with the capacity to support up to 40 residents.

With the CQC recognising that "there were sufficient numbers of staff to meet people's needs," the independent regulator of health and social care concluded that the service is consistently managed and well-led, with the "leaders and the culture they create promoting high-quality, person-centred care."

Joy Henshaw, regional director of Wellbeing Care, said: "We are thrilled that the CQC report reflects the hard work, dedication and care given to our wonderful residents by all staff at The Dell.

"Despite there being no registered manager at the time of inspection, all staff pulled together to show a cohesive and appropriate standard of care, whilst ensuring residents safety and dignity was maintained."

Also highlighted was the benefits of the recently opened Wellbeing Activity Centre, with one resident telling the inspector that attending the breakfast club every morning was "a nice opportunity for a change of scenery."

Mrs Henshaw added: "The Activity Centre has been a blessing and we’re so glad we chose to reopen the much-loved space.

"The collaboration between the residents and those from the assisted living complex has been lovely to witness and we’re delighted the inspectors noticed the importance of this too."