A beauty and nail salon looks set to unveiled in an empty retail shop after change of use plans were given the go-ahead.

Having been empty for almost three years, a scheme to convert a former electrical domestic appliance repair store and bathroom supplier shop in Lowestoft into a beauty and nail salon has been given the green light.

Approval has been granted for a change of use of retail shop premises to a beauty and nail salon - trading as USA Nails Lowestoft Limited - at Bevan Street East in Lowestoft.

The retail shop - which was built in 1960 - at 125 Bevan Street East is just off the main shopping street of Lowestoft's busy town centre.

With plans submitted to East Suffolk Council in April by Thomas Jones on behalf of the applicant Miss Ha Nhat Le, for USA Nails Lowestoft Limited, it said that the current use of the site is a "retail shop - vacant and closed" together with a "separate first and second floor maisonette, which is also vacant".

The scheme was "permitted" by East Suffolk Council last week under delegated powers.

A report from a delegated officer at the council said: "This proposal raises no amenity issues, given the nature of the proposed use as a beauty salon in a Secondary Retail Frontage characterised by commercial and retail premises.

The proposed floor plans show internal alterations to the floorplan of the existing ground floor retail unit to provide open plan pedicure chair and nail tables, kitchen, beauty room, bathroom and open area at the rear.

With Lowestoft Town Council recommending approval of the scheme, The report added: "This proposal would ensure its continued use to maintain footfall and commercial activity in this part of the HAZ in Lowestoft town centre."

Recommending the scheme for approval subject to conditions, a decision notice letter from the council stated: "Permission is hereby granted by East Suffolk Council subject to compliance with conditions."