Around 70 people turned out as a special event was held for those interested in a maritime career.

Representatives from local marine industry businesses attended the 'open house meeting' in Lowestoft.

Held at The Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club on Royal Plain, Lowestoft it was the culmination of Excelsior Trust’s ‘Harbouring Potential’ pilot project.

An Excelsior Trust spokesman said: "The event was a meet and greet with representatives of the local marine employers present to discuss career opportunities with individuals interested in future employment or a complete change of direction.

"Some of those individuals attending had spent the previous few days on board Excelsior, being shown what life could be like offshore as well as visiting Harwich and Felixstowe."

Tom Mehew, Njord Offshore Ltd managing director, said: "As an employer of over 150 seafarers, Njord Offshore was honoured to receive an invitation to The Excelsior Trust's 'Harbouring Potential' event.

"We have every confidence that this event will not only remain a cherished and unforgettable memory for them all but may also mark the beginning of a more extended journey into the maritime world where future jobs await as the offshore renewable sector continues to grow."

Given the success of this pilot project, Excelsior Trust will continue with Harbouring Potential next season.

They are keen for feedback from the event, with a survey on their website seeking comments via