Tributes were paid to fishermen who lost their lives at sea during a special service.

With 19 commemorative services held across the country, the East Anglian service took place in Lowestoft as fishermen were remembered during an inaugural event.

The Lowestoft Remembrance Service was successfully held as part of the first National Fishing Remembrance Day, which was organised by the Fishermen's Mission charity, Stella Maris and The Seafarers' Charity with support from Lowestoft Town Council on Sunday, May 12.

Lowestoft Journal: The turnout as tributes were paid to fishermen who lost their lives at sea during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick HowesThe turnout as tributes were paid to fishermen who lost their lives at sea during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick Howes (Image: Mick Howes)

People gathered on South Pier in Lowestoft to join in as the service remembered all the fishermen who have lost their lives at sea, as well as honouring their families affected.

Lowestoft Journal: Lowestoft Lifeboat made an appearance as fishermen who lost their lives at sea were remembered during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick HowesLowestoft Lifeboat made an appearance as fishermen who lost their lives at sea were remembered during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick Howes (Image: Mick Howes)

Held by the 'Miraculous Catch' sculpture, the service was led by the Fishermen’s Mission area officer Amanda Wisher and was supported by Chaplain Julian Wong from Stella Maris and Port Officer Mark Kears.

Lowestoft Journal: Tributes were paid to fishermen who lost their lives at sea during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick HowesTributes were paid to fishermen who lost their lives at sea during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick Howes (Image: Mick Howes)

It included prayers, poetry, readings and music - with Lowestoft lifeboat making an appearance besides the South Pier.

Lowestoft Journal: Mayor of Lowestoft, Sonia Barker, lays a wreath as tributes were paid to fishermen who lost their lives at sea during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick HowesMayor of Lowestoft, Sonia Barker, lays a wreath as tributes were paid to fishermen who lost their lives at sea during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick Howes (Image: Mick Howes)

The service was attended by Mayor of Lowestoft Sonia Barker, Waveney MP Peter Aldous and a standard bearer from the Royal Naval Patrol Service together with members of the local fishing industry.

Lowestoft Journal: Tributes were paid to fishermen who lost their lives at sea during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick HowesTributes were paid to fishermen who lost their lives at sea during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick Howes (Image: Mick Howes)

With the commemorative service offering a moment to reflect upon, and express gratitude, for the local men who perished at sea, Mrs Wisher read out the names of fishing vessels that had been lost over the years.

Wreaths and individual flowers were then laid on the base of the sculpture - before Lowestoft Longshoremen concluded the ceremony by singing two appropriate shanty songs.

Lowestoft Journal: The Lowestoft Longshoremen perform as fishermen who lost their lives at sea were remembered during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick HowesThe Lowestoft Longshoremen perform as fishermen who lost their lives at sea were remembered during a special service in Lowestoft. Picture: Mick Howes (Image: Mick Howes)

A Lowestoft Town Council spokesman said: "As a coastal community with deep-rooted ties to the fishing industry, it was an honour to pay tribute to those who have lost their lives at sea and their families affected.

"Lowestoft Town Council would like to thank Fishermen's Mission, The Seafarers’ Charity, Stella Maris, Royal Naval Patrol Service, Lowestoft Longshoremen and the RNLI for putting on, and participating in, this event and to everyone that was able to join us in commemorating this important day of remembrance."