The street artist ATM has made his finishing touches on his fourth of five murals throughout Lowestoft, on a wall at the bottom of Rotterdam Road.

The mural is a Norfolk hawker dragonfly, which is one of the iconic species on the Carlon Marshes which the murals are attempting to draw people towards.

ATM said: "Lots of people are saying they like it and people are beeping their horns as they drive past which is nice.

"I'm really sad to be coming nearer to the end of this project, I'd like to carry on forever. I'd like to keep on painting Lowestoft for the next 20 years."

The trail celebrates Suffolk Wildlife Trust's acquisition of land to extend Carlton Marshes nature reserve.

ATM has spent the last week working on the mural. He said: "I've had big difficulties with the weather - I was going to do it last week but it was too rainy. Then I tried to start on Monday and made a big stencil and it was a disaster, it got soaking wet.

"I was worried about the wind. It was coming behind the house so I was sheltered but then the wind started coming the other way. In the end it was alright.

The gorgeous mural is a total size of two by three metres

ATM said: "It's a big stencil. I was worried about getting it done one time. There was forecast 40mph winds today [Friday, October 25] which is not ideal painting conditions. It was bad enough yesterday, the wind gets in and blows everything away.

"I want to say a big thank you to OBS who donated the scaffolding and to Dragonfly Decorators who volunteered to prep the wall which was in a bad condition. Their name is precisely why she wanted to do it, she's obsessed with dragonflies. She said she would prep the wall if a dragonfly was mentioned on it.

"I think it's a fantastic location as well, you can see it from the railway line and you'll be able to see it from the third crossing when it is built."