Corton Wives - Corton Wives welcomed a representative of the Women's Aid Federation as guest at the May meeting. The speaker, Yvonne, began by giving some startling statistics regarding the abuse suffered by some women and describing how the Federation had been set up in 1974 as a response to the need for help and support for victims of this abuse.

Corton Wives - Corton Wives welcomed a representative of the Women's Aid Federation as guest at the May meeting. The speaker, Yvonne, began by giving some startling statistics regarding the abuse suffered by some women and describing how the Federation had been set up in 1974 as a response to the need for help and support for victims of this abuse. The Federation was now able to offer safe and supported accommodation at secret locations, where abused women and their children could stay until permanent accommodation was found. She said that Waveney Women's Aid could provide refuge for five women and eleven children for up to two years.

The June meeting brings purple sheep, a talk and demonstration by Hayley Lambarth on how to make bath toiletries at home.

Book borrowing - Corton School has issued a reminder to all residents of the book borrowing facility which exists there. Books representing a range of standard adult reading matter can be found on a shelf inside the school porch and these may be borrowed by simply writing your name and the book title on the list provided. Contact the school for further details, if needed.

Church services - On Trinity Sunday, June 7, there will be a service of all age worship at St Bartholomew's Church at 9.30am. The morning service at Corton Methodist Church at 11am will include infant baptism and will be led by Rev C Kennell.