RACHEL Moore's item (April 24) about donors of brains required was highly relevant as April was World Laboratory Animal Month.Future success in finding cures for diseases such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers will be helped by human related scientific research without using animal models.

RACHEL Moore's item (April 24) about donors of brains required was highly relevant as April was World Laboratory Animal Month.

Future success in finding cures for diseases such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers will be helped by human related scientific research without using animal models.

More information can be accessed from the UK Human Tissue Bank (UKHTB): Innovation Centre, De Montfort University, Oxford Street, Leicester, LE1 5XY, telephone 0116 250 6014, website www.ukhtb.org

Donating tissue etc. after death to help other human beings is not only altruistic but will also save millions of laboratory animals. For alternatives to animal research see Safer Medicines Trust's website: www.safermedicines.org


The Drive
