The group were welcomed by president, Olive Risebrow. The secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting which were accepted and signed. This year's SEFWI regional quiz at Needham Market will be held on July 20.

The group were welcomed by president, Olive Risebrow. The secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting which were accepted and signed. This year's SEFWI regional quiz at Needham Market will be held on July 20. An invitation from Blundeston and Flixton for a ready steady cook evening on Wednesday, June 16 was received. The treasurer read the financial statement report which was passed around and signed. In July the group celebrate their 25th anniversary and will hold a garden party with various activities to be arranged. If former members would like to attend they should contact 569775. Reminders followed for suggestions for the anniversary memories book. The main part of the evening was the presentation of the WIs chosen resolution for this year, SOS for honeybees. The resolution was prepared by member Charmion Watson succinctly, comprehensively and, when appropriate, with humour. The resolution was passed unanimously. Refreshments were served and the evening ended with the raffle. The next meeting is at Hildesley Court on Monday at 7 for 7.15pm with a guest speaker from Age Concern.