THE head of two Lowestoft schools has been praised for her leadership in an Ofsted report.Jackie Cutchey, who runs Northfield St Nicholas Primary and St Margaret's Primary, was noted for her outstanding direction.

THE head of two Lowestoft schools has been praised for her leadership in an Ofsted report.

Jackie Cutchey, who runs Northfield St Nicholas Primary and St Margaret's Primary, was noted for her outstanding direction.

The report from the education standards watchdog said that, despite being in charge of two federated schools, she did not deflect her energies from ensuring the best for both.

Inspectors were impressed by the management of the foundation stage at St Margaret's, which they said saw most children exceeding levels expected of year one, and the children's reaction to school.

Their report added: “Pupils respond well to the broad and engaging curriculum and benefit from the excellent relationships at all levels. They have a super attitude to school and like lessons and the teachers.

“Pupils' behaviour is consistently good. They enjoy working together and show a great commitment to their own learning. Their love of school shows in the way they work in class and support each other around school.”

Inspectors felt that teachers were working constantly to improve the quality of learning through observing each other and sharing good practice.

Work is in hand to link literacy and numeracy skills even more closely to other aspects of the curriculum, and there is a sharp focus on teaching letters and sounds to improve reading skills.

Also, there is a good programme for health education, regular use of IT and a wide range of enrichment activities.

The inspectors thought Mrs Cutchey had excellent leadership skills and was well supported by senior staff.

“Good and occasionally outstanding teaching builds well on the good start children get in nursery and reception. As a result, children achieve well and make good progress in the foundation stage, continuing right through to year two,” said their report.

The school has been asked to develop pupils' writing skills, particularly in years three and four, through providing further opportunities for them to use their writing across the curriculum.

Mrs Cutchey said: “We are delighted that Ofsted has recog-nised the outstanding achieve-ments of St Margaret's School.

“For the third time, inspectors have judged the school to be good, with many outstanding features.

“The hard work and commitment of the staff, governors, pupils and parents have undoubtedly led to the successes our school achieves. The children should feel proud of their school.”