READING Rachel Moore's piece in The Journal (May 9) about banning parents from teaching their children to drive has made me compelled to write.What gives her the right to write such rubbish, just because she lacks the confidence.

READING Rachel Moore's piece in The Journal (May 9) about banning parents from teaching their children to drive has made me compelled to write.

What gives her the right to write such rubbish, just because she lacks the confidence. There are a lot of people out there that can, my daughter being one.

She taught me to drive and I'm 58. I would never have made it without her encouragement, patience and yes, it did help, but it still cost me over £1,000 in lessons, so I paid my dues.

My father-in law has driven me to work for years. Now he has incurable cancer. I wanted to be able to repay him and take him round to hospital appointments, etc.

There are a load of people out there needing help and encouragement. My daughter taught her son to drive.

Where do you think he would find that sort of money?


Gresham Road

Oulton Broad