The club is for anyone who is interested in showing their dog in the show ring, no matter what breed and no matter whether a beginner or an expert. Held every Wednesday at the Gunton Estate Community Hall in Hollingsworth Road from 7.

The club is for anyone who is interested in showing their dog in the show ring, no matter what breed and no matter whether a beginner or an expert. Held every Wednesday at the Gunton Estate Community Hall in Hollingsworth Road from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm, the evening is in two parts; the first hour is for puppies and from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm for adult dogs. Entry costs �2.50 for the first dog and �1 for subsequent dogs. Different judges are invited every week and dogs become accustomed to show ring conditions. Beginners (whether human or dog) are always welcome. There is no joining fee and the evening includes free raffle, canteen, and friendly and helpful members. A micro-chipping service is also available which costs �15 to members. Contact Dee on 01502 573722 for more information.