THE Seagull Theatre, in Pakefield, is joining up with Eastern Angles, the touring theatre company for East Anglia, in the research for a brand new play.

THE Seagull Theatre, in Pakefield, is joining up with Eastern Angles, the touring theatre company for East Anglia, in the research for a brand new play.

And they now need the help of Journal readers.

Called 'Getting Here' it will look at the stories of people who came to East Anglia from another country - their hopes and dreams, their journeys, and what they found once they had arrived.

And this week The Journal also prints the story in Portuguese for potential readers from the minority groups dotted in and around the town.

Jon Tavener, outreach manager for Eastern Angles, said: 'We are particularly interested in talking to members of the Portuguese community in the Lowestoft and surrounding areas.'

Madalena Bobone, an actress from Portugal, who played Lina in the popular Portuguese soap opera Anjo Selvagem in Portugal from 2001 to 2003, will be at the Seagull from 2pm to 6pm on Saturday, April 25, and anyone from the Portuguese community is welcome to come along, learn a bit more about the show, and sit down with Madalena, to tell their stories.

John Hales, manager at the Seagull Theatre, said: 'Throughout the life of the Seagull, Eastern Angles have always been a highlight of our programming. We're delighted that such a talented company that consistently provides excellent and original productions are working with us and people from our area on their new play. Even after initial discussions, it's clear their production of `Getting Here' will use the Seagull in a thrilling way never attempted there before. They've been tremendously supportive of us and we're looking forward to being a regular part of their touring schedule from now on."

Contact the theatre call 01502 589726 to reserve a time to talk.

O SEAGULL Theatre vai juntar-se � Companhia de teatro Eastern Angles (companhia de digress�es da East Anglia) na pesquisa para uma nova pe�a de teatro, e precisam da SUA ajuda. A pe�a ent�tulada CHEGAR AQUI vai debru�ar-se sobre hist�rias de pessoas que vieram de outros pa�ses para viver na zona da East Anglia: os seus sonhos e esperan�as, as suas viagens e aquilo que encontraram quando c� chegaram.

Jon Tavener, o Gerente de Comunica��es e Extens�o da Companhia Eastern Angles, explica: 'N�s estamos particularmente interessados em falar com membros da comunidade Portuguesa residentes na zona de Lowestoft e arredores. Estamos encantados de ter a actriz Madalena Bobone a bordo, uma actriz portuguesa que fez de Lina na novela ANJO SELVAGEM em Portugal. Ela vai estar no Seagull Theatre das xx �s xx horas, no dia xx de Maio, para falar com pessoas da comunidade portuguesa que queiram saber detalhes acerca do projecto ou que queiram partilhar as suas hist�rias.'

John Hales, do Seagull Theatre, comenta: 'A Companhia Eastern Angles tem tido sempre um especial destaque nas programa��es do Seagull Theatre. Estamos encantados que esta Companhia de gente t�o talentosa, que tem providenciado consistentemente excelentes trabalhos de originalidade, esteja agora empenhada em trabalhar connosco e com as pessoas desta �rea a prop�sito do seu novo projecto. Tornou-se evidente para n�s, desde as primeiras reuni�es, que esta produ��o entitulada 'Chegar Aqui' vai fazer uso do espaco teatral do Seagull de uma forma que nunca foi tentada antes. Esta Companhia tem sido um apoio essencial para o nosso Teatro e estamos ansiosos por passar a fazer parte do seu percurso de digress�es no futuro.'