Win honours were so evenly spread last week that no one was a winner in both rounds of games. Other highlights of an unusual evening included a 521 game from Keith Farman, helped on his way by 149 points for the rare nine-timer 'twirlers,' and a 409-406 game between Barbara Badger and Christine White.

Win honours were so evenly spread last week that no one was a winner in both rounds of games. Other highlights of an unusual evening included a 521 game from Keith Farman, helped on his way by 149 points for the rare nine-timer 'twirlers,' and a 409-406 game between Barbara Badger and Christine White. The surprise among the bonus words was Colin Clarke's 'steeries,' a Scots word for commotions, with 'tannoys,' 'furriest' and 'sillies' also played. Appearing among the challenge survivors were 'heros,' 'newell,' 'dang' and 'ecod.' Phone Geoff 511223 for details of the club.