At the meeting which followed the annual meeting Christine White set a target for the coming year's word-score trophy when she recorded 111 points for 'requiem'.

At the meeting which followed the annual meeting Christine White set a target for the coming year's word-score trophy when she recorded 111 points for 'requiem'. Barbara Badger and Keith Farman won both of their games and noteworthy words included 'atishoo','snotted', 'luke', 'yirr', and 'kent'. A century word score again featured again last week when a first time appearance for 'yessing' earned 106 points for Barbara, but only Geoff Smith was a double winner. The vowel heavy 'radioed' also scored well and 'zooned', 'adz', 'ciggy' and 'doth' were among the words of interest. The average score during the evening was 324. Phone Geoff on 511223 for details of the club.