Mass times for this Sunday, the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, are 9am at St Nicholas, Morton Road, South Lowestoft and at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Gordon Road, 5pm (First Mass) and 10.

Mass times for this Sunday, the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, are 9am at St Nicholas, Morton Road, South Lowestoft and at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Gordon Road, 5pm (First Mass) and 10.30am. The Parish visiting team for last week's Christian Aid house-to-house collection in South Lowestoft collected �479 for projects assisting the world's poor. Plans are now advanced for a really colourful celebration of Pentecost at the 10.30am Mass on Sunday, May 31 with extra church decorations, the wearing of national costumes or clothing including red colour, a children's offertory procession and the Lord's Prayer said in native languages. There follows a shared lunch of traditional food in the Stella Maris Hall and finally a visit to the Pentecost Party in the Park at Sparrow's Nest Gardens at 3pm by invitation of Christians Together in Lowestoft and District in which all are welcome. Early bookings are advised for visits advertised on the church notice-boards. The �25 winners of the last two weeks' draws were Tom Kirwan and Beryl Edwards.