A petition organised by a Lowestoft resident has shown people are wholly opposed to a council's proposed location for a third crossing - leading to concerns that the town is not in a position to present a case to government because there is not currently a consensus behind a single scheme.

Mike Holroyd, pictured, put a leaflet entitled 'Third crossing: let the residents of Lowestoft be heard!' in Lowestoft Library following last month's angry public meeting at the Orbis Energy Centre about where a new crossing should be located.

Not favouring one option or the other, he asked people to vote on whether they would prefer the 'eastern' route put forward by consultants WSP and Suffolk County Council, or the 'central' case proposed by businessman Peter Colby.

So far, the vote has come back 600 to nil in favour of the central crossing - but despite the strength of feeling against the proposed option near to the existing Bascule bridge, Suffolk County Council leader Mark Bee has indicated that he wants people to get behind the eastern crossing.

Read today's 104-page Journal for the full story.