The speaker for July was unable to attend so Michelle and Brenda from Sussex Farmhouse Meals gave the talk instead. Sussex Farmhouse Meals is a frozen meals service, available to anyone.

The speaker for July was unable to attend so Michelle and Brenda from Sussex Farmhouse Meals gave the talk instead. Sussex Farmhouse Meals is a frozen meals service, available to anyone. It provides frozen, ready-to-cook meals delivered to your door. The service began in Worthing, Sussex, 32 years ago and the firm continues to hand cook everything albeit operating two shifts each day. The company now has franchise operations across the country and it is one based in Great

Yarmouth that serves the local area. Michelle cooked two meals at the meeting and everyone was able to have a taste. There is no meeting in August, but the group meets again on September 15, 7.30pm in the village hall, when the speaker will be Mark Church from Southwold Health Clinic. Everyone is welcome.