I READ with great interest your article on the Sea Eagles (Journal, January 8). I do hope this action will be prevented as it is totally unnecessary.

I READ with great interest your article on the Sea Eagles (Journal, January 8).

I do hope this action will be prevented as it is totally unnecessary.

If the birds want to breed here they would have done so years ago. This person must be crackers and it cannot be the RSPB.

Thousands of birds will be terrified if this happens and there is no justified reason, if it were for medical reasons….then.

These birds are at home in Scotland, where they have always bred. Babies and young animals will be at dreadful risk - what is the aim of this? Is it not their freedom as they are being put there by selfish humans and someone is looking for a job it seems!

The farmers will certainly shoot them on sight and how about lion cubs in Thetford Forest? They would love it I'm sure.

I have written to Yarmouth MP Tony Wright and have received a reply from the House of Commons. This has got to be stopped in its tracks before it is too late.

Hundreds of wind farms to be placed on the Suffolk coast, which is for good reason. But there is no earthly reason for this stupid action.

Let the birds have their own freedom and not interference from do-gooders.

This is so ridiculous. I feed the birds and what with the Sparrow Hawk there is no wonder at the decline in Sparrows for instance. I do hope someone will make a move regarding this matter.