THE single, most important time of the Christian calendar is Easter and yet the church pews were filled only by the loyal and committed Christian members of our town.

THE single, most important time of the Christian calendar is Easter and yet the church pews were filled only by the loyal and committed Christian members of our town.

The other citizens were no doubt enjoying the day off on Good Friday to follow their various secular pursuits.

In the same week we read of terrorists being arrested who were no doubt preparing to carry out some attack on our people and property and if it were not for our professional security services may have succeeded.

There is no doubt that the terrorists planned the attacks to take place on this Christian holy time, whilst the majority of our so called Christian residents blithely and uncaringly go about their holiday business.

When will the people of this country stand up for our Christian heritage and values inherited from Christian scriptures?

One way they can show the terrorists of our resolve to maintain these values is to support our churches in every way, by attending services and through financial support.

Maybe then our politicians and so called leaders will see the strength and determination of the ordinary Christian and return our schools and establishments to Christian ways.

How long are we prepared to stand idly by as our values and morals are eroded and cast aside by our politicians, assisted by the silent so called leaders of our faith in the pursuit of achieving a multi faith society.


Ship Road
