Every year the Southwold In Betweens have a walk followed by a picnic lunch in one of the members gardens. This year the venue was Brampton, with an informal lunch in the garden of Ray and Joan Edwards, who had recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.

Every year the Southwold In Betweens have a walk followed by a picnic lunch in one of the members gardens. This year the venue was Brampton, with an informal lunch in the garden of Ray and Joan Edwards, who had recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Ray led a group for a short walk as it was hot and sunny. The route was along field paths and tracks to the edge of the Titsall Wood, which is of ancient origin and is a good example of a Suffolk hornbeam wood. Evidence of the medieval bank and ditch boundary could be seen. They also saw the site of Titsall Farmhouse, which was dismantled piece by piece in 1939 and rebuilt identically in Saffron Walden in Essex. There was lots of interest in their garden with many shrubs and climbers in flower . Ann Lawson the club's organiser thanked Ray and Joan for their hospitality and presented them with a bottle of champagne to mark their anniversary.