This stunning shot of a puffin captured at Farne Islands off Northumbria, has taken the crown as Picture of the Week.

Barbara Moore, 64, of Oulton Broad, took it on her Canon camera during a trip earlier this month.

She said: 'I've wanted to see puffins since I was a teenager, it's one of the wildlife spectacles of Britain, an amazing thing to see. There are thousands of breeding birds on the Farne Islands including guilemots, razorbills, little terns and puffins.

'Birds are continually flying in with beaks full of fish to keep their hungry offspring fed.

'I love puffins clown-like faces and thought the picture I took captured this.'

As our winner, Barbara receives a 10in x 8in framed version of her photo from Picture Studios, of London Road North, in Lowestoft town centre. Entries can be of any subject but they must be digital images.

To enter our competition, email your pictures to