At the annual meeting of Special Objectives For The Local Disabled (SOLD) last week, the trustees were pleased to receive reports on another successful year, provided by the manager Matthew Parker, alongside his three staff, together with a number of volunteers.

And last Monday, the workshop for the disabled at Harvest Drive on the South Lowestoft Industrial Estate held its AGM.

Among the supporters and guests attending, chairman Malcolm Berridge welcomed the manager of the Lowestoft M&S store Mark Leftley and his colleague Ellie Duffin, expressing thanks to the staff of the store for choosing SOLD to be the store's 'local charity of the year'.

A warm welcome was also extended to Suffolk County councillors Sonia Barker and Janet Craig, who had organised a major contribution from the Locality Budget provided by Suffolk County Council for its county councillors to expend in each councillor's area, with a significant donation coming from Peter Byatt. This had provided for the refurbishment of the lift which is a valuable facility enabling the disabled members to reach the craft centre located on the first floor of the building. The county councillors had also made a previous donation in 2013/14 towards the costs of some automatic doors in the workshop.

In thanking everyone for attending, the chairman said: 'The centre at Harvest Drive is well established, offering the best of facilities for the members, and with the help of supporters and friends of SOLD I am confident it will so continue to flourish in the future.'