I'd like to take the opportunity to share with you some of my hopes for 2017 in my role as Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner.

Just before Christmas we received the details of the Home Office grant for Suffolk Constabulary – it is a reduction of around £890,000, which by coincidence is almost the same amount that will be raised by increasing the council tax by 2% next year.

However, we still have significant savings to make.

That said, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon– the Home Office is reviewing the funding formula and I hope to get a fairer financial settlement for Suffolk.

I really need your help to support our campaign we announced just before Christmas, the details are set out below.

This is a chance in a lifetime for Suffolk to rise to the occasion!

Of course it's always easy to put off difficult decisions and spending taxpayers' money willy-nilly does not always solve the problem.

That's why we are working on a comprehensive budget review to examine everything that is spent to squeeze out as much saving as possible.

Early in the New Year I will be publishing my new Police and Crime plan which builds on the successes of the first plan.

One key strand that simply must be delivered is working together much more closely right across the public voluntary and private sectors – what I call the Suffolk PLC approach.

By pooling budgets and sharing other resources I'm sure we can save money to help us maximise the resources available for the front line which in turn will help Suffolk stay as one of the safest counties in the country.

I know this will be a difficult process but with your support and help I really believe we will be successful and after all - it's Suffolk's future we are talking about.

One thing I will promise to do is keep everyone updated as discussions take place and I welcome your views and guidance because without public support the county will not be so successful.

Lastly I wish all of you, your family and friends a very happy and prosperous New Year.