THANKS to Martin and Lester and the Marina Theatre team for their assistance for the wartime slideshow, on September 4, and to John Holmes, President of the Jack Rose Old Lowestoft Society for his half of the show, not forgetting the extra commentary by historian colleagues from the War Memorial Museum Bob Collis and Robert Jarvis, and from the Naval Patrol Service Museum John Street and Charles Harris.

THANKS to Martin and Lester and the Marina Theatre team for their assistance for the wartime slideshow, on September 4, and to John Holmes, President of the Jack Rose Old Lowestoft Society for his half of the show, not forgetting the extra commentary by historian colleagues from the War Memorial Museum Bob Collis and Robert Jarvis, and from the Naval Patrol Service Museum John Street and Charles Harris.

Jack Rose would have been proud of us.

On a different aspect of Lowestoft heritage may I point out that this is the final week of registering and booking for the ex Lowestoft Grammar School reunions being held later this month and I can be contacted on or 01502 563208. To date we have 50 plus for the 1930s/40s Secondary/Grammar reunion, 120 plus for the 1950s and 100 plus for the 1960s/70s Grammar reunions.



Jack Rose Old Lowestoft Society

London Road South
