A SPECIAL committee has extended the time it will take to consider the 'anonymous whistle-blowing complaint' against chief executive Andrea Hill.

Suffolk County Council's dismissals appeals committee met this morning (Friday) to discuss a complaint - believed to be from a member of the legal services team - against the controversial chief.

A spokesman for Suffolk County Council said: 'The dismissals appeals committee today received a preliminary report into whistle-blowing allegations made against Andrea Hill.

'The committee was able to resolve some of the allegations however it felt that a number required further investigation.

'In addition as a result of FOI requests into expense claims by Andrea Hill the committee has asked the investigation team to review those claims.

'The findings of the team will be reported to the committee at their next meeting on June 24.

'Andrea Hill will remain on extended leave by mutual consent until that date.

'Suffolk County Council is anxious that all investigations are completed and resolved as soon as possible in the interests of all those involved.'

Mrs Hill has been on extended leave since Easter while an inquiry was carried out by London-based international law firm Wragge and Co, which deals with many local authorities across country.

The firm was due to complete its interviews with staff at the county council two weeks ago and was due to present a report to the county as soon as possible.

The committee is unusual in that it does not meet in public because of the confidential nature of the matters that it has to discuss.