The meeting was held at St Peter's Church Hall on Tuesday when president Bernard Bedford welcomed the 23 members and one guest Albert Hall from Southend present.

The meeting was held at St Peter's Church Hall on Tuesday when president Bernard Bedford welcomed the 23 members and one guest Albert Hall from Southend present. It was mentioned that John Barrel, a member of the group, has moved to Wiltshire and all the members wish him well. Les Risebrow gave a very satisfactory financial report. John Hilder mentioned the end of season bowls buffet will be on June 5 at the Railway Club, this will be free to all members. Len Butcher reminded members of the luncheon club meeting on Wednesday at the Sailors Home. George Cable gave a talk on old Kirkley. Bernard Bedford gave the vote of thanks. The coffee break was courtesy of Bernard Bedford. The meeting for June 22 has been put back to June 30. The next meeting will be on June 9 and the speaker will be Paddy Heazell talking about secrets of Orford Ness.