JOHN Thompson (letters November 27) is wrong to suggest that our MP, Bob Blizzard is only taking an interest in the state of our local railway stations because there is an election next year.

JOHN Thompson (letters November 27) is wrong to suggest that our MP, Bob Blizzard is only taking an interest in the state of our local railway stations because there is an election next year.

Over five years ago Bob convened a meeting between my client and Network Rail and brokered an out line agreement which will see Beccles station upgraded and the land around it developed.

Unfortunately because Network Rail has been so slow in completing outstanding paper work I contacted Bob again recently to seek his help.

Once again he stepped into action and things are moving again. I am also pleased that our MP is always pushing for a third crossing and road improvement.

I don't understand why John Thompson seems to feel that to be pro-railway one has to be anti road. We need both.


St Peters Street